girl looking at herself in the mirror

How to be more optimistic

OPTIMISM DAY – 2nd FEBRUARY 2023 What is optimism? Optimism is a mindset that enables people to perceive others, events,…


What is optimism?

Optimism is a mindset that enables people to perceive others, events, and the world in the most favourable, positive ways.

Benefits of being optimistic

Optimistic people tend to…

  • Be more resilient, both physically and mentally
  • Have more proactive outlooks on their health
  • Live longer
  • Have better cardiovascular health
  • Stronger immune systems
  • Have more successful relationships
  • Earn higher incomes

How to become optimistic?

  1. Adopt a positive lens
  2. Surround yourself with positive people
  3. Journal
  4. Acknowledge what you can and cannot control
  5. Don’t forget to acknowledge the negative
  6. Turn off the news

Adopt a positive lens

Shifting your perspective can be as simple as consciously thinking happy thoughts.

This conscious effort can shift your viewpoint in the short term, but also has the potential to retrain your brain to think more positively.

Surround yourself with positive people

Connecting with positive people will boost your own positive energy, as positivity is contagious!

Adding some optimism to your social network can improve your own optimism.


Keeping a gratitude journal, which records one or two things each day you are grateful for, allows for a focus upon the positives of your day and cultivate an optimistic mindset.

Gratitude is the appreciation of what is meaningful and valuable to yourself. A gratitude journal usually only takes a few minutes a day.

Gratitude journaling also has great health benefits such as improved sleep, therefore this could be such a positive way to end your day!

Acknowledge what you can and cannot control

Practicing mindfulness is a great way to avoid the temptation to repeatedly go over the stresses of day-to-day life, which invites negativity.

Accepting what you can and cannot control in life is a great way to adapt and thrive in a given challenge.

If you can learn to be present without judgement or though about your past or future, there should be less room for negativity.

Don’t forget to acknowledge the negatives

Improving efforts to boost your optimism does not mean to ignore the negatives within your life.

Combined optimism and realistic thinking are useful in navigating life’s stresses, as it is not useful to not address issues in your life that are keeping you from your goals.

Realistic thinking is a method of supporting your optimism whilst also taking action to create your own positive future. 

Turn off the news

Whilst it is important to keep up to date with current media and political affairs, it is suggested to limit news consumption in order to stay optimistic.

The news can often portray a negative outlook about the world. You can, of course, watch the news but afterwards make sure to spend time doing activities which will help you maintain a positive outlook.

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