Illustrated by Abigail Dannatt

Getting through the post-uni blues

Experiencing a standstill, lack of motivation, or feelings of being lost? It could be post-uni blues, which is a common…

Experiencing a standstill, lack of motivation, or feelings of being lost? It could be post-uni blues, which is a common experience. Transitioning from university to adulthood can be overwhelming, but there’s no need to worry!

Here’s some friendly advice to help you navigate this phase and find your way:

Stop comparing yourself to others

Success looks different for everyone. Each person’s journey is unique, so don’t let comparison steal your joy. Let go of the strict timeline you are holding yourself against and push aside the social pressures. Focus on what you enjoy and what you value. Embrace your individuality and define success on your terms.

Give yourself more time to adjust to change

Graduation marks the beginning of a new chapter filled with endless possibilities. However, adapting to change takes time. Instead of rushing to meet arbitrary deadlines, grant yourself the gift of patience. There are so many changes happening in your life right now, and the last thing you need to do is add pressure. Celebrate the small victories along the way and give yourself credit for the progress you make, no matter how small it may seem.

Keep a basic routine

Establishing a routine can bring a sense of stability and structure to your post-university life. If you’re looking for a job, set boundaries for yourself. For example, spend no more than an hour or two every day on job searching and applications. On the flip side, make sure to schedule downtime activities with family and friends, but most importantly, allocate time for yourself! Remember, you don’t have to get everything done in one go. Pace yourself and prioritize your mental health.

Take advantage of available resources

If you’re struggling to find a job or you’re unsure about what to do next, remember that help is available. The university offers a plethora of amazing and often free support services for its graduates.

Here are free recommended charities if you or someone you know is struggling:

Talk about how you’re feeling with others

One of the best ways to alleviate the weight on your shoulders is by opening up and talking about your feelings. Find someone you trust, whether it’s a friend, family member, mentor, or even a support group, and share your experiences. They may have gone through similar struggles or can provide fresh perspectives. Not only will this help you feel less alone, but you can also learn from their experiences and gather advice along the way.

Embrace this transitional period as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Be patient, celebrate achievements, and keep moving forward. You’ve got this!

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