Multicoloured balloons surrounded by confetti

Celebrating your success

In the interest of keeping things fun and light, I thought I would remind you how important it is now that the year is ending to celebrate your success.

You’ve been successful in multiple ways. For example, you’ve got your place in University, you’re facing new challenges, and you stuck it out this academic year!

Our generation seems to have a problem of measuring success as achieving the most materialistic thing possible in the shortest amount of time. You scroll through Twitter to see a post of a 16-year-old who has managed to buy a car, a house, and meet with the Queen all in one week, and you start to doubt your own greatness. I recently got a lower grade than I expected for a project I worked really hard on all semester. Everything I was working towards seemed to be for nothing in that moment because, in my eyes, every grade has to be the best. But the simple truth is: If I could have done better I would have, and I’m sure that applies to you too 

Exam season can bring out the worst in us. You may stress eat, you may lash out because of your emotions, your anxiety might be through the roof, or there may be a plethora of other by-products of exam stress. Always remember though that if you don’t feel like yourself and you’re really struggling, the Student Wellbeing Centre is there and has an amazing team who can help.  

A way of celebrating your success is to look back at who you were this time last year. You might be a completely different person, maybe even a more positive person, but if you never take a moment to celebrate your progress, no matter how big or small, you’ll find it hard to stay motivated. This time last year I knew I was on track to fail my first year. Now I’m on track to finish with a first overall (Fingers crossed!). But even if I don’t get a first, Im celebrating the fact that I passed my second year.  

A saying that keeps me going when the water seems murky is “This too shall pass”. The exam stress that you feel right now will pass. The anxiety of leaving for the summer will pass. The anxiety of waiting for your grades will pass. If no one else will tell you, I will.

With that being said, I wish you the best of luck with everything because you are capable, intelligent, and important. Don’t forget to start making plans to celebrate for the summer. You deserve it!

What are you celebrating this year? What goals have you accomplished that you’re really proud of? 

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