Best of: What to bring to uni

It can be really tricky to know what you should bring and it can be hard to remember everything you might need. Here are a few of our best tips from our student content creators!

Documents and ID – Tash Etherington

“One big thing that is often missing from lists of what to remember for university is the documents and pieces of ID you may need to bring with you. This can include any letters or documents from the uni; medical letters or prescriptions; ID such as a passport or driving license, and accommodation documents.”

Coat hangers and extension leads – Lauren Jade Jepson

“Coat hangers are a must and something that people commonly forget, as are extension cables (the long ones with multiple plugs on the end) because you never know what weird places they’ll put the plug sockets.”

Sentimental items – Lan Chi

“Although such things might seem unnecessary, they are incredibly helpful crutches to help you go through difficult and lonely times that may occur now and then. I brought with me my grandmother’s ring, and my housemate brought her 20-year-old stuffed rabbit.”

Smart professional clothes – Simone

“It is a good idea to have some spare professional clothes with you. Make sure they are clothes that you feel comfortable in, you could be wearing them for a while. If you have a top with long sleeves, make sure it is something you are able to pull up above your elbow.”

Obviously, this isn’t an extensive list – but these are a few helpful ideas for things you might often forget!

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