A field of sunflowers

Lifting your Mood

Sometimes we need to find a metaphor to describe our feelings and emotions. A metaphor uses words to paint a colourful picture in our minds. It acts on our imagination.

Low mood comes with negative emotions. Such as sadness, hopelessness, despair, or anger. There is a difference between mood and emotions. Mood is a general state of feeling, which is less intense and lasts longer than emotions. Whereas emotions are brief, intense, and usually a reaction to a specific situation.

Our mood and emotions are connected. When we give in to our negative emotions, it will have a negative effect on our mood. When we are in a bad mood, we are more likely to experience negative emotions.

Being a student, we face many challenges. We think about our grades, jobs once we finish, friends, relationships, and our future. We have a lot going on for us. There will be times where we notice our mood is low. We can start worrying or have doubts.

Frank Sinatra sings ‘fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars, let me see what spring is like on a Jupiter and Mars, in other words, hold my hand’.

As you can see, artists use metaphors to describe vivid scenes, to capture a moment, to show nuances of emotions, and to help us understand by using our imagination. In psychology, metaphors are a powerful tool to describe feelings. They evoke our emotions and feelings. They help us think flexibly. They help us change the way we think.

Be creative with the language you use. When you are feeling low, try to compare it to something. ‘I feel like an abandoned puppy’. ‘I feel like crying a river’. It will allow you to understand it better.

Notice the language you use. It is related to your thoughts, which are connected to your feelings. Using negative words suggests you are not being kind to yourself. Try replacing negative words with positive or neutral words. For example, we can avoid saying ‘I don’t like something’ by using ‘I prefer’.

Notice your negative thoughts, often they are just a pattern that is not based on facts. Being aware of this pattern will allow you to take a step back and reflect. For example, to think we are not good enough for a certain job is a negative thought, which can stop you from applying.

Try seeing what you going through from a different perspective. Trying to explore different angles of a situation will allow us to notice that we tend to focus on the negative aspects. We focus on a problem, not the solution.

Stay focused on your goals. It is wonderful to be given an opportunity to decide about your future. Obtaining a degree opens doors for you. When you are feeling low, think of the bigger picture.

Stay open-minded. As a student, we have constant chances to learn. Learning new things is one of the most beautiful journeys we can take. It never ends.

Grab your opportunities. Stop and smell the roses. Be kind, and enjoy.

Please note: This content was created prior to Coronavirus, and some things might be different due to current laws and restrictions. Please refer to Government advice and the University of Lincoln for the latest information.

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