Organisation folders and documents on a desk top

New Year’s clear out

So 2018 ended in a flash, (side note: when did that happen? Last time I checked it was still September…) and the start of a new slate beckons in 2019.

It gets to this point each year and I always start looking around my room and decide I need a de-clutter, and that this time, I will keep it clutter free. Because the only way to sort your life out is by getting rid of that empty tube of mascara you’ve had knocking about for a few years, right?

Well, getting rid of old things that you really don’t need anymore is a good start but there are a few ways to have a New Year clear out, which might actually help you feel a bit more organised.

Here’s what I’m planning to organise in 2019…

Social Media

Admit it, you’re only Facebook friends with that guy you met on the applicant day because you want to nosey on what happens at his uni. But what’s the point? Make 2019 the year you have a proper clear out of your social media accounts. Delete the people you actually don’t know, or the ones from primary school that you don’t see anymore. You may also want to go through as well and get rid of your most embarrassing social media posts (why are we allowed these accounts when you turn 13?).


Less of a clear out on this one and more a tidy up. If you have a load of loose sheets floating around get some plastic wallets, a ring binder, a file tidy… the list goes on. I’m in the middle of dissertation writing and I think I’ve printed out more journal articles than was humanly possible. But all this has left me with is a slightly* messy desk . Therefore I need to make next year the year of change and actually keep my desk organised. I’ve got the cutest A4 letter file tidy from Sainsburys, as well as a magazine holder, and I plan on keeping my journal articles neat and tidy in those. I’ll even make use of the library stapler after I’ve printed them out.

*I can’t find my keys under journal articles


Bear with me on this one. It gets to the end of the year and everyone gets a bit lethargic with work, socialising and tidying. It’s normal and it happens to a lot of people. Especially when you know you’re going home for Christmas in a few days and the effort to cook is just too much (cheese on toast again anyone?). Instead of letting this slump take over, make it your mission to let it motivate you. Just think, the quicker you get that literature review done, the quicker you can enjoy yourself. And if you’re really struggling make sure to visit Student Wellbeing.

2016 2017 2018 2019 is the year I finally sort myself out (I promise) and I’m hoping that having a clear out and mental tidy up will help me do this.

At the end of the day, if it doesn’t work out… we’ve always got 2020.

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