Row of weights in a gym

Wearing exercise clothes should count as exercise…

Exercise isn’t really my thing. I’d rather sit on the sofa, eat biscuits and watch ‘Friends’, than go on a run. But exercise doesn’t just mean getting the perfect #gymselfie, you can still stay fit even if the thought joining an organised sports team leaves you cold!

Walk everywhere!

At university, you don’t have much choice in the matter, unless you bring a car. Most students walk everywhere – whether you live on campus and are two minutes from every lecture, or live 20 minutes away up a hill… (You will never be able to skip leg day but you will question all your life choices.) It can even be quite fun to set yourself a time limit to beat when you walk somewhere.

Leave your house with enough time to get to your lecture but try to beat your previous best time walking there. If the stress of assignments is getting you down and you need to get out the house you could also go for a walk up Steep Hill, or to a park to get some air and clear your head. The exercise will help if you’re feeling restless and need to re-focus.

Take the stairs.

If you’re living on the top floor in Lincoln Courts you won’t have a choice in the matter! Whether it’s in uni or in your halls, opt for the stairs instead of the lift. Not only is it the healthier option but you won’t run the risk of getting stuck in the stairs, a lift on the other hand…

The Gym.

I can’t talk about how great the gym is because coming from me that’d be a complete lie. Last year I had a free gym membership and I only went to the induction session. Partly because I thought the 30-second walk out of my flat to get to it was far too excessive…

If you’re the type of person that wants to set goals and specific fitness targets though, then maybe go for some taster sessions to see if it suits you. There are so many gyms in Lincoln and most of them tend to have some form of student deal. Just make sure you don’t end up spending your entire student loan on a membership you won’t use.


Nights out.

I reckon I will have burnt a lot of calories from dancing at Quack. Obviously, it is not a tried and tested fitness method and probably has no official recommendation but, if you’re heading down to the SU on a night out there really is no harm in working up a sweat doing a spot of dancing. Plus it’s fun!

Do your food shopping in person.

In first year I was doing a full week or two weeks shop at Morrisons regularly. I then had to carry my bags back to my flat. If that didn’t count as some sort of strength training then I don’t know what would! If you’re not up for doing this regularly maybe every now and then log off the supermarket website and wander down there yourself.


Don’t forget… wearing workout clothes counts as exercise as well. Right?

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