A golden gavel

Studying as a Law Student at Lincoln

Are you coming to the University of Lincoln to study Law? Read this article to find out how you'll study to make sure you're prepared.

Every course has its own way of teaching and learning, and when you’re studying within the law school, you’ll probably find that most of your work is written rather than practical (although you may have moots!). This can impact the way we study and retain information, so it’s a good idea to know what to expect so you can accommodate it.

Lectures & Seminars

In my undergrad degree, all of my lectures and seminars were 50 minutes long so there were no long 2-hour sessions, but that’s not to say this won’t happen, especially when you’re doing options. The lectures can be pretty full-on, so I’d recommend bringing a laptop to take quick notes, but don’t worry too much about noting down points from the PowerPoint, focus more on what the lecturers are saying. You can revisit the PowerPoint later. Pay attention as these lectures are usually relatively fast-paced, and if you’re texting or talking to friends, you’ll miss out on important information.

A lecture hall with chalkboards and old wooden chairs

Personal Study

You’ll be expected to do a lot of personal study in your free time, usually at least 20 hours a week. Make sure to keep up with your weekly seminar work so you’re not unprepared. If you do fall behind, don’t skip the seminar: It’s important to keep your attendance up, and your lecturers will appreciate your honesty.

A person sat at a table with their head hidden behind a stack of books

Moot Exams

I thought moot exams were the best out of all of them. Although I like writing assignments, there’s something rewarding about preparing a presentation of sorts and arguing your case. This is a great way to show off the knowledge you’ve learned in personal study. It can be really nerve-wracking, and I remember shaking a lot during mine, but if you’re well-prepared you’ll do great!

A gavel in a court room

Group Work

You’ll have a fair amount of group work throughout your degree, and it’s important to assess your ability to work as a team and collaborate on projects. The first thing I always did was create a group chat so that we could all talk about the project outside of seminars: This is very important as you cannot rely on seminar time to organise your projects. You’ll need to have regular meetings with your group to plan, organise, and research your work, and if it involves a presentation, you’ll need to make sure you practice.

A group of people sat around a table working on a presentation, with charts and tables
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