Best Bookshops In Lincoln

I personally am a pretty big reader, and as a result, I’ve pretty much been into every place in Lincoln…

I personally am a pretty big reader, and as a result, I’ve pretty much been into every place in Lincoln that sells books over the years I’ve been lucky enough to study here. As a pretty broad reader of nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and academic texts, I figured for a long time that online sources were my best bet for getting the books I wanted – however, I’m glad to say that Lincoln’s bookshops are genuinely fantastic places that cater to whatever readership you belong to!

From all my perusing, I have compiled a list of my top four favourite places, along with the reasons why I rate them the way that I do!


Located at a prime spot on the high street, this store offers three floors of literally all the books in all the genres you could ever hope to need! In addition to the veritable variety of paperbacks, hardbacks and clothbound texts, it also houses a lovely café which is the perfect spot for starting your new read, studying, or catching up with friends. Also, if you’re interested in author events – keep an eye out, because they often play host to singings, readings, and other fun events.


Located towards the Cornhill area of town, this particular Oxfam has a fantastic, ever-changing selection of books, and proceeds go to Oxfam’s charitable efforts which span over 80 countries around the world. Buying a book from Oxfam means you are helping people across the world who are affected by poverty, diseases, and the countless other struggles that Oxfam’s support helps to alleviate.

Also, this particular Oxfam has its own stamp card, meaning that on every ten purchases you make you can get a book for free!

The Works

Located on the high street just opposite the House of Fraser, if you’re looking for the best value for money for books, then this is where you should come! The Works is great for always having deals when it comes to their books, especially in paperback form, so it’s definitely the best option for a student looking for the most economical option.

They also have a lot of stationary and craft options, making them a great and versatile shop for students in many ways!

Lindum Books

Located right on the Bailgate in Lincoln, this bookshop is one of my favourites. Not only is it situated in what is, in my view, the most beautiful area of the city, but its collection of books is so beautifully displayed. The ground floor offers a great range of the most recent releases, whilst their upstairs space houses a variety of older, rarer books relating to the local Lincoln area and far beyond – it’s a great place to peruse through history!

Though it is undoubtedly more convenient, and just easier, to get your books off of Amazon,, or other online sources, none of them could ever truly beat the homely experience of browsing through a bookshop and wondering what new, interesting story you’re going to stumble across. So give these places a try and find your next favourite story!

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