Illustrated by Abigail Phoenix

Where can you donate your clothes in Lincoln?

Donating my old clothes has always been a habit of mine as it reduces clutter in my home, helps other…

Donating my old clothes has always been a habit of mine as it reduces clutter in my home, helps other people be able to use what would otherwise just be hanging in my wardrobe unworn, and helps the environment as it reduces what will be going to landfill.

As someone who enjoys looking around charity and thrift shops myself, it feels fitting to me to donate to such places also.

At the end of each academic year, as I travel to my hometown by train over the summer, I must leave the year with roughly the same amount of clothes I started with, therefore I always have a sort out my clothes and decide if I have brought anything new, what can I donate if it has gone unworn for a while.

Throughout uni, I always found accommodation and student housing can sometimes provide limited storage for clothes and possessions so it can be easy for my rooms to feel cramped or crowded. However, once I began to donate unwanted items or outfits which were only brought for a social or themed event that I no longer had use for, my room suddenly felt more spacious.

Lincoln has a range of charity shops and clothing banks for students who are looking to donate some old clothes to make room for new ones or just lighten the load when moving home over the Easter or Summer break!

Personally, I enjoy charities which provide a ‘charity bag’ which is posted for free, this works by filling my unwanted clothes in a large bag that is provided by the charity and posting it back to them. However, sometimes I also find it easier to donate in stores as there are many charity shops on the high street.

So, below are some of the places in Lincoln that will gladly accept good-quality, pre-loved items if you choose to donate!

YMCA Clothing Bank

This bank is located on Tritton Road and is open 24 hours a day, here you can donate your clothes and proceeds will go towards the YMCA charity!

This charity aims to support young people in communities who are experiencing good or difficult situations through a range of services.

YMCA Lincoln
The Showroom
Tritton Road

British Red Cross

On the high street there is a British Red Cross charity shop which accepts donations!

Proceeds of the British Red Cross focus towards helping people through crises.

279 High Street



British Heart Foundation

This charity shop is located on the high street and is always looking to accept donations!

The vision of this charity is to create a world which is free from the fears and challenges of heart and circulatory diseases.

328 High Street




The Oxfam charity shop is also located on the high street and is right next door to the British Heart Foundation!

Oxfam has a unique recycling plant where any unsold textiles are sent for recycling, helping reduce the amount of clothes that go to landfill.

If you do not wish to travel to the store you can donate your clothes by post! By ordering a mailbag and returning it free of charge!

327 High Street



St Barnabas Hospice Charity Shop

This charity shop is also located on the high street opposite Oxfam and the British Heart Foundation, there is also another charity shop of theirs opposite Yak Clothing further up the high street!

St Barnabas aims to ensure people die with dignity and compassion.

265 High Street



Co-op Clothing Recycling Banks

There is a clothing recycling bank provided by the Salvation Army Trading Company Ltd.

Within Lincoln, these can be found at the Carholme Road Food Store, Proctors Road Funeral Home, and Tritton Road Funeral Home.

Mind Charity Shop

Located on the high street this charity aims to support individuals who are going through challenging times regarding mental health.

340 High Street



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