NO MORE Week 2023
The 10th annual NO MORE Week will be the 5th -12th of March, coinciding with International Women’s Day on March 8th.
*TRIGGER WARNING* This article contains themes of domestic and sexual violence.

What is “NO MORE Week”?
NO MORE Week is an international and annual opportunity for everyone to come together to raise awareness of domestic abuse and sexual violence.
NO MORE Week aims to inspire individuals, organisations, and communities to make change.
The aim of the campaign is to share resources and information around domestic abuse and sexual violence which highlights how everyone can take action to invite a difference.
The UK says that “No More” campaign coexists alongside other global campaigns such as Australia Says No More and NO MORE in America.

How could you get involved?
You could wear something blue on Friday 10th March during NO MORE Week and share on social media.
You could print out and put up a ‘safe spaces awareness’ poster.
You could arrange a coffee morning and discuss some key facts about domestic abuse and sexual violence.
You could interact with UK SAYS NO MORE online and raise awareness with your friends and family.
What is domestic abuse?
Domestic violence is violence committed by someone in the victim’s domestic circle, meaning there will be a close relationship between the offender and victim.
Domestic violence could be committed by:
- Partners and ex-partners
- Immediate family members
- Other relatives and family friends
What is sexual violence?
This is a term which incorporates various crimes such as sexual abuse, sexual assault, and rape.
What are Safe Spaces?
Safe Spaces operates whereby anyone can visit a participating pharmacy and ask for ‘ANI’ at a pharmacy healthcare counter to access an immediate police response.
Safe Spaces is an initiative developed by the UK SAYS NO MORE campaign as a response to the struggles people faced whilst experiencing domestic abuse during the COVID-19 lockdown and their inability to access specialist support services.

Where are the online Safe Spaces?
Online Safe Spaces is a discreet portal that opens in a pop-up window.
These can be installed on both internal and external websites.
The portal leaves no internet history trace and provides quick exit options for the person seeking information.
It has been installed on over 65 organisations’ website and has been used over 1.5 million times since it was launched in 2020.
The online service provides:
- Support
- Advice
- Helpful contact numbers for those at risk of domestic abuse

Where to get support for yourself or others
If you are in England, you can call the Refuge’s National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247
If you are in Northern Ireland, you can call the Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline on 0808 802 1414
If you are in Scotland, you can call the Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline on 8000 027 1234
If you are in Wales, you call Live Fear Free on 0808 80 10 800
For UK-wide support, The Men’s Advice Line (a confidential helpline specifically for male victims) on 0808 801 0327