Hi there! I'm Rachel, a postgrad student studying Clinical Animal Behaviour from London. I'm a big 80s music fan, and have a secret love for Marvel movies.

Moving away from home to a brand new city usually means you don’t know anyone. As a tight-knit community in Lincoln, it wont be long until you make some friends. Thanks to the numerous events the university, the SU and the local community organise, there’s always an opportunity for you to socialise!
Make the most of your flatmates
Your flatmates will be your immediate social circle. A good idea is to organise a group trip into town to get to know Lincoln. You’re bound to forget something, and so take the opportunity to visit Wilko, or Morrison’s as a flat. It’s a good way to break the ice too, not to mention if there are any appliances you all need to chip in for – this is the time to get it. You’ll also find that most nights out at the start of the year will be with these guys. You’ll get to know each other through takeaway nights, pre-drinking games and late night getting to know each other sessions like we did.
Sports and societies
I’m not going to push you into joining any sports and/or societies, many people get through university without joining them (I never committed to any). However, I knew friends who were part of big sports groups and societies where I often tagged along. They formed a tight group, and would quite often organise extra-curricular activities outside of training/competitions and weekly meetings. A lot of the time it doesn’t even have to involve alcohol! White T-shirt evenings, Mario Kart nights, Bowling, etc. were all some of the events I attended as part of society socials. Fresher’s Week is the perfect opportunity to try out any sports and societies – as many often provide taster sessions.
Fresher’s Week – the best opportunity to put yourself out there
Fresher’s Week happens every year, and it’s the perfect opportunity to put yourself out there. There are so many events for you to meet coursemates, society and sport groups, and to make the most of the free time with your flatmates before term actually begins. Fresher’s Fayre, Sports Fayre, Societies Fayre, Quack, quizzes… you name it, it’s going on! It’s the best way to meet knew people.