Hi! I’m Abi, I'm currently studying a masters in Criminology and Criminal Justice. I like to draw animals & wildlife, play video games, and I like reading.

It’s the end of the year and all your course mates have their final results for the year, or even their degree! Sometimes it’s hard not to feel left out when you have resits, but there’s so many reasons to not be disheartened.
Remember why you need the resits
If you have extenuating circumstances and therefore have to retake some exams or coursework, try to remember the reasons for this. Maybe it was an illness, a flare up of a chronic disease, or your mental illness was preventing you from completing your degree to your best ability. All of these factors just make it so much more amazing that you’re getting your degree or continuing on your studies! Despite everything you’ve been through, you’ve not given up.

Focus on the end goal
As nice as it is to be able to do everything with your course mates, and enjoy results day together, remember the end goal. You’re here to do your best and get your degree, so if you failed an exam and have to retake it, just remember that at the end of the day you’re still progressing along your degree and heading in the right direction! It would be so easy to give up, but you’re still going and trying your hardest.

Surround yourself with supportive people
If your pals aren’t being very supportive about your retakes and your reasonings for doing them, it might be good to consider surrounding yourself in a more uplifting environment. I’d suggest looking into societies such as the Peace of Mind society, where everyone is very understanding and supportive towards each other.

Be open with your family and friends
Don’t hide it from those close to you – remember that they will want to support you and be there for you. Let them in so you can air some of the negative feelings and connotations that come with doing resits.

No one gets it right 100% of the time
If we could all be flawless and manage to ace everything on the first go, life would be boring! Sometimes we fail at things, or don’t do the best that we could have, but that’s okay! It’s all a part of the learning process, and eventually everything will fall into place.

If you’re feeling a bit out-of-sorts due to your resits, I’ll always suggest going and talking to the amazing people at student wellbeing. You can go for a drop in session, speak to a counsellor, or discuss your PASS or LSP with them if you need anything clarifying.