a person studying

How To Make Studying More Enjoyable

The practice of studying can often be a difficult thing for a lot of people, especially at University. Your workload…

The practice of studying can often be a difficult thing for a lot of people, especially at University. Your workload as a student can easily feel overwhelming, and it can be challenging trying to figure out how best to approach things without it feeling like a monotonous chore. After four years of studying at uni, I’ve developed a lot of motivating tricks and techniques to help make studying far more enjoyable, and I hope they can be of help to you too!

Audio Stimulation/Cancelling

For me personally, having the right kind of music playlist really helps me to get in the mindset for studying. I’ve created a number of playlists on YouTube for myself, usually orchestral compilations, because they help my mind slow down and focus. If you like sound as you work then spend time making your own playlist, though for some people a familiar film/TV show playing quietly can have the same effect. However, if an absence of noise is your thing then definitely invest in some noise-cancelling headphones because they will help you focus wherever you’re studying!


Change Of Location

In my experience, trying to study at home all the time can end up being a hindrance. I’ve been easily distracted by other things like my comfy bed, my books, and the crafts I do as a hobby. So finding a new space specifically for study time was a massive help, and in Lincoln, you have plenty of options! A place I love is the upstairs café in Waterstones on the High Street, but there are lots of other cafes to choose from, as well as all the buildings on campus and the wonderful uni library – you’re not short on spaces for studying!

a library

Studying With Company

When it comes to studying, being uncertain about the content can be a big hurdle many students face. One thing that can really help is spending time outside of classes with your coursemates just talking about the content, and even working on your assignments together. Though you’ll all have your own individual topics and arguments, being able to talk to each other and read over each other’s work is something that will be so valuable. Having multiple pairs of eyes who know what you’re trying to say will really help you feel more motivated with your studies.

three friends studying in a library

Time Management

Managing your time can be so essential to help you feel less overwhelmed by your studies, and my main go-to for this is making to-do lists. You can do these weekly or daily, or however, you’d like to structure them, but they are one of the most useful habits you can get into as a student. Not only can you manage your study time effectively, but you can manage it alongside things like your potential part-time job, chores, grocery shopping, spending time with friends and family, and making sure you have time to just relax by yourself. I honestly don’t know how I’d function without to-do lists!

a weekly organiser

Rewards System

Sometimes being successful with your reading/assignments isn’t enough of an incentive for us students to put in all our effort, and that’s okay! Something I’ve done to help my motivation is promise myself a reward after I’ve done my set amount of work for the day, knowing that when I come to have the reward I can enjoy it and not worry about having to do more work afterwards. Some things I’ve rewarded myself with have been watching a new film/TV show episode, a takeaway, a treat from a café/shop, and even just a nap!

person taking a nap

From my personal studying experiences, all of these things have helped me in one way or another when I’ve found studying difficult, and I hope these will be helpful to all of you too! However, if you find yourself really becoming overwhelmed with your studies, the University can support you with additional help. You can go to your tutors and talk with them whenever you need, they’re always just an e-mail away, and the option for extensions for assignments is always there.

You can contact The Student Support Centre either by e-mail at studentsupport@lincoln.ac.uk or by phone at 01522 837080, or you can contact Student Wellbeing by e-mail at studentwellbeing@lincoln.ac.uk or by phone at 01522 886400. Drop-in times and other information regarding these services can be found at https://studentservices.lincoln.ac.uk/service-information/ if you need them. With that, happy studying!

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