Best of: Exams

Exams at uni are a little different to what you’re used to so we are here to guide you through them!

Approaching exams can be stressful, make sure you’re eating healthy – Kathryn

“I know it seems like the simplest, most obvious thing in the world, but it gets your brain functioning properly. It allows you to concentrate, feel awake and alert, and to study more effectively, as you don’t feel sluggish or hungry.”

Get enough sleep (for once in your exhausted, stressed out life) – Andrew

“It’s almost midnight and you’ve only got a bit of exam prep to go. Many students at this point will power through and sacrifice a couple hours of sleep to finish their work. Unfortunately, this is seriously counterproductive. Studies have shown that revising into the early hours of the morning doesn’t work as it leaves your brain far less capable of dealing with the next day.”

Create revision aids to help – Hannah Courtney

“Along with making sure you understand the content fully, you can create revision aids alongside this. This means you can focus on active recall during revision sessions closer to exams and allowing you to get the most out of them. For example, creating question cards ahead of time means you can get the most out of them by testing yourself over and over before the exam begins.”

Watch pre-recorded lectures – Rachel Pantrey

“In the build up to your TCA, have a watch of pre-recorded lectures and go through lecture and seminar notes. You won’t be expected to know exact facts and figures, but it’s important to be familiar with topics that could come up. Remember you will have these resources available to you during the assessment, but you won’t have time to go through everything in the small amount of time you have!”

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