Best of: Being confident

Lots of students struggle with confidence when coming to uni so to help you through that we have gathered our best advice!

Get involved – Ben Cartwright

“One of the best ways to gain confidence is to fully immerse yourself in your studies. Whether that be a presentation you’re dreading or an interview you’re nervous about, giving it everything you’ve got can make a world of difference. The situation itself might not be something you’re particularly comfortable with, but giving it 100% means you’re less likely to worry about it.”

Play to your strengths – Hannah Courtney

“Succeeding in a group is all about playing to your strengths, my first tip, after getting to know each other and getting comfortable working together, would be to all state your strengths (and weaknesses!). By doing this at the start of your project, it means everyone can be allocated tasks they can do well, giving your group the best chance of success! It further reduces stress, since no one will be doing something they have no confidence in, whilst also pointing out who you can go to for help if you’re struggling with something they can do well!”

Get out of your comfort zone – Becki Morgan-Phillips

“University is a time for you to explore who you are and what you can do, without any judgement. Now is the best time for you to try that new hobby you were thinking about; or join the most obscure society; or start one yourself and find people that like the same things you do. Whilst it is good to be comfortable, you’ll benefit from meeting these new people and trying different activities.”

Believe in others – Ben Cartwright

“Confidence doesn’t always come from self-belief. Having confidence in other people is just as important – especially when in a working environment. Not only will it mean you don’t have to worry about someone doing their job properly, but it’ll also mean that you create mutual respect for one another – ‘you trust me, so I trust you’. Having confidence and belief in one another can help boost your own confidence, as well as that of others.”

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