Activities to ‘boost’ your CV

With the job market being so competitive at the moment, it is SO important to make your CV stand out from others!

Here are a few ideas of things you can do to gain brilliant transferable skills and advance your CV.

1. Join a Sports Team

Lots of transferrable skills can be gained from being part of a sports team, many of which will be brilliant to put on your CV and discuss in interviews.

Being part of a sports team could also give you something to talk about during an interview – it’s not uncommon that your potential employer may share the same passion for sports as you do!

2. Join a Non-Sport Society

There are also lots of skills you can gain from being part of a society or an academic society.

Joining a society is also a brilliant way to find like-minded people and explore the opportunities that different areas of interest have to offer.

There are so many societies to explore on the SU website where you will find more information about the different activities available. If you are interested in a society it is also a good idea to search for them on social media. This will allow you to find out what opportunities they offer throughout the academic year.

You can view the full list of sports teams and societies here:

3. Volunteering

Another area of the SU website to explore is the volunteering section.

Volunteer roles and activities are an excellent thing to do and add to your CV. Volunteering looks impressive and shows your potential employer that you are willing to work and are able to organise your time and develop new skills.

Another volunteer style activity that is an excellent addition to your CV is running for a committee role in a society or running for a volunteer officer role in the SU – this usually happens around March time so keep an eye out next academic year!

4. Become a Student Rep

Similar to being an academic officer, becoming a Student Rep is something that will really help to make your CV stand out.

Representing your school or course will allow you to pass on the thoughts of other students to staff members higher up in the university. This will involve developing lots of skills, particularly communication-related, that will be excellent to transfer to future job roles. Therefore, making your CV stand out and make room for an area of discussion in an interview!

You can view the full list of volunteering opportunities here:

5. Update your LinkedIn Profile

Keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date is a brilliant way to make you stand out to employers.

The Careers and Employability website has lots of resources on how to utilise LinkedIn effectively in order to make yourself get noticed by employers, and also for you to find relevant job roles and connect with like-minded people quickly online.

Providing your LinkedIn profile on your CV will help your potential employer to find out more information about you, particularly details you wouldn’t normally be able to fit on a standard CV.

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