Shelves full of books in a library

How to make the most of the library services 

Getting used to the amount of independent study that comes with university life can be hard, but the University Library services offer all the support you could possibly need. This article offers a whistle-stop tour of some of the Library’s most useful remote features.

Referencing Guides

One of the cornerstones of academic writing is learning how to reference correctly. It is super important to know what style of referencing your course uses, and you can find this out on your course BlackBoard site or by asking your course leader. When you reference properly you are also protecting yourself from the academic offence of plagiarism, which can have serious academic consequences. You can download easy to follow, instructional referencing guides from the Library website under ‘learn > referencing and plagiarism’

Writing Development

If academic writing is something that you struggle with, or there is one assignment that you can’t seem to tackle, then you can access one-to-one help through the Library. Their writing development sessions provide you with all the tools you need to succeed. They can support you with understanding and planning your assignments, creating academic and critical arguments, as well as strategies for editing and proofreading. 


M.A.S.H is all about supporting students with their maths and statistics needs. Whether you’re stuck on a specific problem, or you just want some guidance on how to improve your maths and stats skills, the M.A.S.H advisers are there for you. Similar to writing development, these one to one sessions are currently running remotely and can be booked online. If you don’t need an appointment but would like to learn more, the M.A.S.H page on the Library website is packed with helpful and informative resources for you to access whenever you want. 

More Books 

The More Books system is as simple as it sounds, and a function I wish I had used earlier in my degree. If there are any books that you think would benefit your learning or degree course that you cannot currently access, you can put in a request for the Library to buy it. The whole process is done online and whilst traditionally the physical book would be requested, in line with coronavirus restrictions the requests are currently being made specifically for eBooks. This is a really easy process and one I definitely recommend you take a look at. 

Academic Subject Librarians 

The last service that I want to draw your attention to is the wonderful academic subject librarians. Each subject area has their own librarian who is dedicated to help students get the most from their Library experience. They offer further guidance on how to use the Library, learning development workshops, individual research sessions and much more. You can find out who your academic librarian is, and access your subject guide by selecting your degree here.  

This article covers only a handful of the many amazing services that the University’s Library offers. As an undergraduate I did not make the most of the Library, and it wasn’t until my third year that I finally started engaging with them. If I could give you one piece of advice, whether it’s your first year or your final year, use the Library services as much as you can. They are there for you!

This article is featured on Learning at Lincoln. 

Please note: This content was created during the Coronavirus pandemic, and some things might be different due to current laws and restrictions. Please refer to the University of Lincoln for the latest information.

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