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5 tips for starting University
The idea of moving to University can be really exciting for some, but others may find it very daunting. So,…
March 23, 2020,
This article is more than 3 years old
The idea of moving to University can be really exciting for some, but others may find it very daunting. So, here are 5 tips for starting University!
1. Learn how to cook and plan meals
For most students, University is the first time where they need to regularly cook for themselves. It is completely normal to feel overwhelmed. The easiest way to combat this is just to practice! A few weeks before moving to University, try meal planning and cooking for yourself or your family. Having this skill will really help you manage your budget but also stay healthy too.
2. Try to reduce homesickness before it starts
Research has shown that ¾ of students experience a form of homesickness during their studies, so it is vital to be able to combat this. A great and easy way of doing this is by making your room your new home away from home. This could be through bringing photos from home, a particular poster or even your favourite pillow or bed set. The comfort these things bring help a lot of students tackle homesickness – but there is a lot of help and advice that can be found in the Student Wellbeing Centre.
3. Bring a good quality first aid kit
Whether it be a small cut or a sprained ankle, accidents do happen and it is good to be prepared for when they do. When you move to university be sure to bring a good first aid kit with you and make sure it is full. Advice on what to include in your first aid kit can be found on this NHS website.
4. Have a good mechanism for dealing with stress
Many students describe University as one of the best times of their lives, but it’s important to understand that University will probably not be fun all of the time. It is vital to have a good way of coping with stress to enable you to complete your studies to the best of your ability. If you need it, advice on dealing with stress can be found on the NHS website.
You can also find some student advice from one of our creators, Malene Simonsen, below.
5. Understand that making friends isn’t as hard as many people think
Most students believe that making friends will be hard at university but the truth is quite different. Not only is everyone in the exact same situation as you, but you will meet people from so many different backgrounds and walks of life that it is quite likely you will quickly find someone with similar interests to you. If you would like tips on making friends at Uni check out the video below from Courtney.
I hope that these tips help you when you start University! And remember to check out our checklist for everything you need to do before you arrive.