It’s coming to the beginning of the new year, and like most people I am thinking about resolutions I want to make for myself.
However, every year without fail I tend to get a bit carried away and end up making a string of resolutions that are slightly unattainable, and leave me feeling bad when I have not achieved them. This is why I am going to offer some tips on making resolutions for yourself, but making sure they are attainable! This isn’t to say don’t dream big – it’s about figuring out what to aim for that is not too overwhelming, and understanding that not achieving everything, does not mean you haven’t achieved something!
Make two separate lists
One thing I do is separate my resolutions into two lists! The first being ‘must do’s’ and other ‘ try to’s’! Even though resolutions are all about trying anyway, there are some that I definitely want to make sure I follow through with, and others that are goals to just try and see if I can make happen.
I think it is healthy and useful to prioritise your resolutions! We can never anticipate what life will throw at us. We can also never anticipate the inevitable ups and downs that we will face. Despite this, figuring out what resolutions you want to achieve the most and which ones could wait, is helpful!
Share your new goals
Choosing to share your New Year’s resolutions with some people you care about can be very beneficial. It means people can support and push you to achieve everything you set out to achieve, but also celebrate when you achieve them! That can also work vice versa, and helping a friend or family member along with their resolutions can feel very rewarding.
Understanding that you haven’t failed
A resolution is a goal, not a definitive. If you do not, for whatever reason, achieve everything you set out to do, that is okay! It is not just about doing everything you want to, sometimes not achieving helps you learn, and figure out how next year you are going to achieve it!
Make a few for fun
I find that a helpful way to keep me on track with the rest of my New Year’s Resolutions is to make a few that are just for fun! A couple that just exist simply for your enjoyment, will help keep you positive and motivated with all your other resolutions.
It is important to do things that are just for yourself!
Remind yourself that you are human
Remember, you are human. Aim high and work hard, but you cannot manage 100 things at once. Resolutions are there to help you within your life, so do not make it an unhealthy, unhappy experience!
Finally, Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2020 is everything you want it to be and you have a fun time working on your New Year’s Resolutions! Enjoy!!
Please note: This content was created prior to Coronavirus, and some things might be different due to current laws and restrictions. Please refer to Government advice and the University of Lincoln for the latest information.
Government link: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus
University of Lincoln link: https://www.lincoln.ac.uk/home/coronavirus/