Tips to stay sustainable at Christmas!

The Christmas season is all about being excessive, excessive decorating, spending, eating, the whole period is about treating yourself to extras, however, along with extra of anything comes extra waste, and added up over millions of people that results in a lot of extra pressure onto our planet. Throughout this article I’ll be highlighting ways you can enjoy the festive season sustainably and without a guilty conscience. 

Think real – what do you really need?

One way is to think cautiously about what you actually want and need, fast fashion cycles are getting shorter and shorter and thinking about whether you want something because you actually like it or just because it’s trendy right now is a big step to becoming sustainable, not just on the planet but also on your wallet. Additionally this also helps in creating a capsule wardrobe of things you’ll wear over and over again, lengthening their usage. This doesn’t just apply to clothes, even one-use things like shower gel can become sustainable, only buying one instead of one in every scent decreases demand and ensures everything you buy will be used to its full capacity.

Recycle – read labels!

Another way to become more sustainable at Christmas is through proper recycling, taking just a few minutes out of your day to read labels and ensure everything is being properly recycled means less waste is going unnecessarily into landfill. If you’re unsure on how to recycle guides are vastly available on the internet and a few minute read will mean you properly recycle for life! Furthermore, reuse as much as you can, for example Primark bags can be reused as wrapping paper with their new design, saving you money and increasing their one-time use! Another idea is to skip tag writing so gift bags can be used again and again! 

Try handmade?

Although Christmas is all about giving, this doesn’t mean to give in excess. Loved ones will more often appreciate something handmade or an experience with you rather than a load of boxes filled with things they’ll soon forget about. Get creative and make something they’ll keep forever or treat them to a VIP experience at the cinema with you, creating memories rather than waste!

Support small businesses!

Additionally, presents themselves can be sustainable, shopping with small businesses both helps those businesses grow and reduces carbon footprint, moreover you’ll be giving something unique as it won’t be mass produced! Another idea is to gift a refillable bottle instead of a one-time use one! The Body shop has a large refillable range where your recipient will think of you every time they use it! Shops like the eco-pantry near Lincoln castle are great places to go if you’re looking for sustainable present ideas too!

Finally, being sustainable doesn’t have to be unobtainable, as long as you’re consciously only buying things you know will be used to their full potential and recycled correctly you shouldn’t feel guilty for wanting that exclusive christmas shower gel! Little things every day go a big way in reducing our carbon footprint without impacting your wallet!

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