Student accommodation

Isolating in a small room

This post was written during the pandemic and contains information specific to it. Isolation can be tough at the best…

This post was written during the pandemic and contains information specific to it.

Isolation can be tough at the best of times, but having to isolate when you’re in a small room could seem daunting and hard to manage. Nobody wants to be stuck in their room for lengthy periods of time, but, if you live with other people, it can become a frustrating necessity, to protect others.  However, there are ways that you can handle this and things that you can do to ensure that you get through this time.

Here are my 3 best tips for how to manage isolation in a small room…

1. Keep to a routine

The most important tip would be to keep to a routine; setting a daily routine can be incredibly beneficial in coping with anxiety or depression. When you’re stuck in the same location for a few days it can be hard to want to do anything other than stick your favourite programme on, but by sticking to a routine, you can ensure that you are still achieving what you need to be doing, whether this is going to lectures, virtually participating in extra curricular activities, or even housework. It will also make your transition out of isolation easier, and potentially meaning that you don’t have a lot to catch up on.

2. Keep up communication

Isolating can be a very lonely experience, so it is important to keep up communication with friends and family in this time. This can be done in a variety of different ways, from texting and phone calls, to maybe even playing online games. This is an easy way to pass the time after a hard day of work and it’s good to try and be as social as possible to cheer you up.

Communication is also important in terms of your meal times; if you are self-isolating when your housemates are not, it is vital to arrange when you can use the kitchen so that you can continue to avoid contact with them. Make sure you are also cleaning the surfaces and anything you touch when finished to minimise any risk.

You can also request a free delivery of food and other basic supplies while you’re waiting for online shopping by filling out this form

3. Stay Active

Possibly the hardest tip is to try and stay at least a little bit active! Sure, this may feel almost impossible in a small space, but the Internet is full of home workout routines, most of which can be completed with just a bit of floorspace. Yoga is also a great exercise to try, as not only will this get your body moving but it can be great for relaxation and mindfulness. The idea of exercise in isolation may not seem overly fun, but it scientifically boosts mood and wellbeing, which is going to be key when you’re stuck in that small space.

Check out Malene’s recent video on The Benefits Of Yoga for more on this.

Of course, the priority is to look after yourself and do what is necessary to make you feel better; if you’re feeling poorly you are not going to want to be active every day. Hopefully these tips will help you to get through your isolation, however as long as you ensure that you stay safe and responsible, your time in isolation will be over before you know it.

Remember to look at the University’s Coronavirus page for all of the latest information, and for guidance on the latest national and local guidelines (including information on when you need to and don’t need to self-isolate), head to’s COVID page.

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