animated image of sneakers, birthday card with a frog, book, cd, a map and a jumper
Illustration by Abigail Phoenix

The best charity shops in Lincoln!

In Lincoln, we are lucky to have a big range of both vintage shops and charity shops up and down…

In Lincoln, we are lucky to have a big range of both vintage shops and charity shops up and down the high-street. Whether you’re looking to buy more ethically and environmentally conscious or if you want go find a completely unique gift, all while supporting charities there’s a great range of choice. From jewellery and thrift finds to moomins and vinyl records, here’s Student Life’s list of some of the best charity shops in Lincoln:

Oxfam Bookshop

Just down from Doughnotts and Lush in the Cornhill quarter, the Oxfam bookshop sells second hand books, CDs and vinyl records, as well as having a great range of ethically sourced and made toiletries and gifts; including fabric crafts and recycled stationary.  This little shop just off of the high-street also hosts an impressive moomin collection (which is always a plus!), along with Oxfam’s signature range of cards and seasonal charity merch.

St Barnabas

At the top of the high street, just before you walk up the straight and onto steep hill. is the 1st of the two St Barnabas charity shops on this list. This bigger shop has a beautiful range of clothes and accessories in the first half of the store and a massive collection of home wear, kitchen knick-knacks and gifts in the second half; making it a great stop no matter what you’re looking to pick up. 

The second St Barnabas shop on this list is at the very bottom of the high street, just to one side of the level crossing and along from the train station. This little shop always has the best window displays, and if that alone doesn’t welcome you in, the a gorgeous collection of clothes and accessories they have to hunt through absolutely will.


Just opposite the St Barnabas by the level crossing, on the other side of the high-street, is Mind’s Lincoln charity shop. In support of the mental health charity, this store is packed with racks and racks of peices to look over and see what you can find, as well as birthday cards and gift wrappings, so you can find the perfect present and the best birthday card both in one stop, and support Mind’s cause as you do it!

The University of Lincoln, in collaboration with the University of Lincoln Students’ Union, is hosting a week of engagement on climate action, in support of COP26. Our aim is to inform, inspire and empower our community to act in response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency that the University of Lincoln declared in 2019.

Find out more about Climate Week and COP26.

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