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Things I wish I had done to boost my career earlier

Think of this blog post as your higher self-trying to make your journey easier.

I am currently writing this with the knowledge that this is my final semester as an undergraduate. The bright-eyed, naïve young girl I came as in now leaving as a confident, calculated, and ambitious woman (yes, it is true the years go by so fast). It would be silly if I did not look back on my journey and think about the things I could have done better, not to put myself down but to learn for patterns that can easily be let go of as I progress into adulthood. One of my biggest reflection areas is my career and CV for obvious reasons.

1. You deserve to take up space

I feel that after coming from a very marginalised and disadvantaged background I often did not opt for the networking trips or job posts because I did not feel good enough. I thought someone of my background and calibre did not deserve to take up the space that was being offered to me. Safe to say I have let go of these limiting beliefs, but boy did it cost me some time. I want you to know that regardless of your background you deserve to have success and do everything in your power to attain it. If ever you think “I’m not good enough for this” try to sit down and trace back where that thought, came from and who told you it because doubt is always taught.

2. Get involved

Yes, it sounds cliché, but the university has an amazing careers team who are genuinely lovely and passionate about helping you. They offer so many networking events, CV boosting sessions and skill-building workshops that are invaluable. It is important to utilise the resources at your disposable because after all, you did pay for them.

3. The worst thing they can do is say no

Whether it is a job or a LinkedIn connection, no, isn’t the end of the world, don’t take it personally because often times it isn’t personal, they don’t know you well enough for it to be personal. Keep your head up and keeping applying/ connecting and if there is feedback, try and apply it for your next opportunity.

4. Take it easy

You have time, you have time to figure out what you want or do not want in a career. You have time to build your strengths and recognise your weaknesses. Let your journey to your career be one of mindfulness and patience because you will be working for the rest of your life anyway. Do little things to help you in the long run but do not overburden yourself. Throughout the years the little things did and the connections you made will build up and come in handy at the right moment. Enjoy your progress because it will be a great journey to look back on.

PS: You can reach out to the careers team here.

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