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Starting dissertations? How can we help?

The Christmas break is creeping slightly closer and with it the start date for writing dissertations.

A pair of glasses on an notebook in front of a laptop

This is nothing to be worried about, but more something to be excited to get involved with and interested to see the progress of your project as it grows. The university, whilst being primarily online, has many sources to help you get started and, then, throughout the process. In this blog post I will be signposting some places for you to look into and letting you know what help is out there should you need it over the next few months.

Writing Help and Guidance

The University of Lincoln Library website has many things that you can look into that will help you start your dissertation journey. One of the most helpful I have found is the ‘Writing Development’ webpage that aims to help you with:

  1. One-to-one writing skills
  2. Exams and revision
  3. Editing and proof-reading
  4. Students with dyslexia
  5. Critical thinking

However, before you book appointment it’s important to know that they cannot proof-read your work but you can send a draft in and they can talk you through the process of how to do this yourself.

Research Queries

There should be two points of call here if you are struggling to find research to help you flesh out your idea.

The University of Lincoln's academic subject librarians stating 'Here to help!' It reads 'Contact us via email or book an online appointment'

Your Academic Subject Librarians – these guys can help you find (and use) information but also help with referencing and study skills. They are so unbelievably helpful and have helped me on many occasions find a book that I was looking for by searching something I never thought to. Email if you want to book an appointment. If you need to find out who your subject librarian is click here.

The other person to contact would be your dissertation supervisor. You should be meeting with them and talking through your ideas at this stage but remember you can email them with any worried that you have!

Books I Recommend

An organised desk featuring lots of books and a laptop
  1. How to Write Your Undergraduate Dissertation by Bryan Greetham (ISBN: 9781137389763)
  2. Planning Your Dissertation by Kate Williams (ISBN: 9781137327949 / Library: 808.02)
  3. Writing Successful Reports and Dissertations by Lucinda Becker (ISBN: 9781446298268 / Library: 808.066378)
  4. Writing a Dissertation for Dummies by Carrie Winstanley (ISBN: 9780470742709 / Library: 808.066378)
  5. How to Write Your Undergraduate Dissertation by Bryan Greetham (ISBN: 9781137389763 / Library: 808.066378)
  6. Your Undergraduate Dissertation by Nicholas Walliman (ISBN: 9781446287071)


Remember that a lot of people are in the same position as you so ask your peers. Don’t suffer in silence or feel worried! The help is out there all you have to do it look and ask for it.

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