Close up shot of woman holding a rolling pin over a tray of dough

How I’m keeping busy during a second lockdown

This post was written during the pandemic and contains information specific to it. And… we’re back in lockdown. Although this…

This post was written during the pandemic and contains information specific to it.

And… we’re back in lockdown. Although this isn’t the ideal situation to be in, there’s still plenty of ways to keep yourself occupied and motivated during this time. I have found keeping myself busy has been one of the most beneficial ways to stay positive. Here’s a few positive ways I’ve found to keep busy…

Incorporate exercise into your routine

I’m not one to go running or doing HIIT workouts, but I have found going on a walk each day or doing some gentle exercise like yoga has really helped to improve my mental wellbeing. I also find if I get some exercise done in the morning, all those endorphins help to motivate me to get through my day and also feel positive and accomplished.

Speaking of routine…

Giving yourself some kind of routine during this time is really crucial, as it helps to keep you motivated to get on with your day. I find that by waking up at roughly the same time each day and also allocating set hours (outside of lectures/seminars) to do uni work has helped me to stay up to date with my uni work without feeling overwhelmed. I also find scheduling in time to do things such as going for a walk in the day helps me to clear my head and also have a welcome break from doing work.

Start up a new hobby

Whether it’s baking, painting, gaming or something entirely different, now is a great time to try out a new hobby. If you fail, who cares? It’s often by stepping out of our comfort zones we’re surprised to find new things we really enjoy! Have a browse on YouTube and get started.

Be kind to yourself

GIF reading 'Be kind to your mind'

Whilst it’s great to keep busy and keep your mind occupied, it’s also important to check in with yourself and let yourself take a break if you need it. Whether it’s by reading a book or watching a film, it’s important to give your brain chance to unwind so you don’t end up burning yourself out.

Keep busy, stay positive, and hopefully things will become a little more ‘normal’ again soon.

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