Person holding a piece of paper over their face with a drawn on smile

Lockdown is a strange time, but here are some positives

This post was written during the pandemic and contains information specific to it. The devastating effects of Covid-19 has forced…

This post was written during the pandemic and contains information specific to it.

The devastating effects of Covid-19 has forced the country into lockdown. Following the government’s advice and staying home is extremely important, but there’s no denying that it can also have a negative affect on our wellbeing, health and relationships.

Because of this, we’re trying to focus on the positives, so that we can get through lockdown as happily and as safely as possible, helping both ourselves and the others around us. So here are some of the moments that we’re enjoying in quarantine!

Time with our pets

It’s safe to say pets across the world are loving lockdown. Plus, studies have shown that owning a pet can have positive effects on your mental and social wellbeing. What better time to be in a house with your cat, dog, guinea pig…? Appreciate this time to play with and cuddle your pet as much as possible!

To see some of the Student Life team’s lovely pets, and how they’re keeping us company during quarantine, have a look at our daily updates on social media.

Being with our families

Being in lockdown with family may be slightly daunting, especially after having moved away from them for uni, but now is a fantastic opportunity to appreciate the time you do have with your loved ones.

I know that this will probably be the last time I will live with my Mum and siblings for the foreseeable future, and appreciating this time with them helps me to see the positives of lockdown. The last time my sisters and I could walk into each other’s rooms for a chat whenever we wanted was at least six years ago, so having them in the room next door is a treat that I might not get to experience ever again after this.

The environment

An issue that has been at the forefront of politics, the news and a lot of conversations for the past year, has been the worrying decline of our planet. As a result of coronavirus, much of the world’s flying and traveling has been put on pause. Furthermore, some industries that contribute heavily to the world’s CO2 output aren’t in operation at the moment. Because of this, we’re hearing amazing reports of positive changes to the environment. The Guardian reported that cleaner air in Europe has led to 11,000 fewer deaths, and the Himalayas were reportedly visible from Northern India for the first time in 30 years. Plus, a number of cities globally have announced new initiatives for a green recovery from coronavirus, including miles of bike lanes. It’s the positive news that we all wanted to hear!

Volunteering, raising money, and coming together

It’s amazing to see just how many people are donating to charity, raising money and spending their time looking out for vulnerable people. It goes to show that the majority of people just want to help out in some way or another. Clapping for the NHS and key workers on a Thursday evening is one way to show some long overdue appreciation, for some of the most important members of our society.

If you’re looking to start volunteering, an organisation called Furlonteer are matching those who have been furloughed to volunteering opportunities that match their skills.

Finding new ways to pass the time

A number of trends are being seen across social media as we’re all holed up inside. From baking banana bread, hosting zoom quizzes and running for charity – people are coming together in new ways and learning new hobbies. Lockdown has shown that whatever is thrown at us, people find fun tasks to pass the time and stay cheerful, in what is otherwise a very uncertain time.

Many people are making the most of their one hour of outdoor exercise allowance by making time for running and walking when they perhaps weren’t before. This will have amazing effects on people’s mental and physical wellbeing, and is hopefully a positive of lockdown which will continue once measures begin to be lifted.

So even though it can be tricky, try your best to think of the positives…

If you’re not working during lockdown, and you find yourself with more free time, don’t feel bad about binging Netflix or staying in bed occasionally. Just do whatever it takes to get through this time as calmly as you can!

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