To bring or not to bring?
Starting university is one of the biggest things of your life so far and everything can get a bit overwhelming, I know it definitely was for me! Therefore, I have compiled my ideas of what to bring, and what not to bring when coming to university – to give you a helping hand in that department.
Firstly, one good thing to do before you start packing is to make a list of absolutely everything you use in an entire week – start Monday morning when you wake up and keep writing down everything you use, from toothbrushes to toilet cleaner to wooden spoons to coat hangers, make sure you include everything (including things your parents use if you don’t do everything yourself) – this will make it so much easier when you come to writing a shopping list and a packing list. Basically, make sure you bring everything you need – don’t over-pack, because it will be a nightmare come the end of the year when you have to take it all out again (been there done that).
I would also suggest getting all the kitchen accessories you’ll personally want to use because your flatmates won’t necessarily be up for sharing – especially straight away – and you will be happier with the freedom of being able to cook whenever you like without having to worry about washing up your flatmates’ pan. So, this will include plates, bowls, mugs, cups, pans and maybe a spatula or two, but just enough for yourself mind (1 or 2) – I wouldn’t suggest preparing for your whole squad from home coming for a visit.
As for your bedroom, coat hangers are a must and something that people commonly forget, as are extension cables (the long ones with multiple plugs on the end) because you never know what weird places they’ll put the plug sockets. Lamps and/or fairy lights are great for relaxing in the evening and a big fluffy dressing gown to cosy in when it’s cold can feel like a lifesaver! A whiteboard is an essential for me as it comes in very handy when revising or for writing daily reminders on. Oh, and a clock!
As for making it homely, some people (like myself) go to town with making their room their own and others just like the necessities. I made a collage board full of photos before I came to uni and it is my favourite thing to look at when I’m feeling stressed and don’t be scared about bringing your teddy bear, everyone has one and it’s just a lovely comfort to have on days when you miss home.
As for things not to bring… different kitchen appliances that you will rarely use (rice cooker, toastie maker, etc.), an iron (just hang your clothes around- nobody has time to iron) and also, don’t bring every single item of clothing you own (you will need some clothes when you go back home).
Hope these tips help!
Please note: This content was created prior to Coronavirus, and some things might be different due to current laws and restrictions. Please refer to Government advice and the University of Lincoln for the latest information.