Running track.

What have you got to lose?

Some people start uni knowing exactly what society/sport they’re going to join, whether it’s something they’ve done all their life or something new they’ve always wanted to try. While others don’t. 

And that is totally fine. The University of Lincoln currently has over 130 sports and societies ranging from Hockey to Harry Potter, Fencing to First Aid – the list goes on and on. Yet I know hundreds of people who, for whatever reason, aren’t benefitting from everything that societies offer. 

For me, I can’t imagine my uni life without the confidence that being part of a society has given me. I was lucky to be someone who started already knowing exactly what I wanted to do, as a dancer of 15 years and a gymnastics enthusiast – you guessed it, dance and gymnastics seemed like a perfect fit!

After a fairly casual attitude to dance classes throughout my first term, I decided to buckle down after Christmas and upped my number of classes as well as dedication in the run up to the annual ULDS (University of Lincoln Dance Society) Show. The time I had put in paid off when it came to the fun and enjoyment that came from performing.

Similarly with gymnastics, I took it easy during my first term as I found my feet and got to grips with the requirements of my course. However as it came to committee elections for next year, I chose to run and was elected as their Social Media Rep for 2017/18. It may sound clichéd but I would hasten a bet that this could be one of the best things to happen to my university life so far, because it will give me a ‘role’ and a purpose.

I’m someone who likes to be busy all the time – which being part of sports and societies definitely helps. This makes it difficult for me to understand why people wouldn’t want to join one because there are all kinds of societies to fit everyone’s interests. Personally, uni is all about trying new things, being brave, taking leaps and enjoying yourself because of it. Arguably I stayed within my comfort zone, doing sports I had always done, but I was doing them in a new way and was way out of my depth because of it.

There have been times when I wanted to quit, when I wanted to stay in bed and hide under the covers because I was too nervous, tired or just drowning in too much work to go out and participate. Yet every time I got up, I went and I had fun, so I don’t regret it at all.

I wholeheartedly understand that sports and societies may not be the right thing for everyone, but I do feel that you shouldn’t write them off before you’ve tried at least one – maybe a second too in case the first one wasn’t for you! Plus, visiting the Freshers’ Fayres and choosing what to do is all part of the fun.

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