Career help as an Alumni 

University is all about making the most of the opportunities to build experience and your knowledge of the sector in…

University is all about making the most of the opportunities to build experience and your knowledge of the sector in which you want to work in. After your final year, it can feel like when you leave University, you have to say goodbye to previous work-related support that was available to you as an undergraduate. Fortunately, the career help for University of Lincoln alumni doesn’t stop when they graduate. 

Employability and Careers 

This is a department which you might use a lot as a student but it can still be accessed for up to two years after you graduate. They could help you with feedback for your CV or for a job application and this could be particularly important due to the differences between applying for a part-time job and a full-time graduate position. They also run an internship program which helps partner alumni with key opportunities for exciting companies and this could be an ideal opportunity to explore when you are getting to the end of your time at University. 

Student Enterprise 

Depending on what you want to do as a career option, you might think about starting up your own business. Perhaps you’ve spent the last few years building your experience and working style and now, you feel it is the perfect opportunity to explore this further. This can be daunting but the Student Enterprise team is on hand to provide you with support for business plans and to find funding. 

Alumni Community 

When you leave University, you don’t have to say goodbye to the career help or to the friends you’ve made during your time. The University of Lincoln is really keen to keep the community aspect even once you graduate through their Alumni Community. Through this network, you could reach out to fellow graduates in an attempt to network or build knowledge of an area in which you may not have a huge amount of experience. More information can be found here; 


You may have started using LinkedIn more and more as your time at University developed. When you leave University, you might want to still keep being active to show what you’re up to and the skills you’ve learnt along the way. This will advertise your potential to different employees and companies and demonstrate that you’re active in your approach for employment. You may have also connected with lots of University of Lincoln employees and graduates through LinkedIn who you may be able to reach out to in order to get additional help finding opportunities. 

Leaving University and entering the world of work can be scary but there are still plenty of sources of support for career help who you can turn to. 

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