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How to balance your time at home during the holidays

Moving to University is most people’s first experience of living independently and after a term away moving back home can…

Moving to University is most people’s first experience of living independently and after a term away moving back home can seem strange. Once you begin to decide your own routine, do your own shopping and spend your time exactly how you want to, going back to home rules can be unsettling.

Here are a few tips on how to adjust to going back home for holidays, and ways to balance your time:


If your parents are anything like mine, they won’t appreciate you lying in until lunchtime and moping around the house. If you usually work over the holidays, then this can help you stay busy and keep you out from under your parents’ toes. Plus, you can save a bit of money in time for the term and add some experience to your CV. Working can also be fun and social as well as a great, easy way to meet new people.


If you don’t want to work, or you’re struggling to find a job, there are nearly always going to be organisations looking for volunteers at any time of the year. Volunteering can help you meet new people, give you a sense of accomplishment, and can open doors for your career, as well as add to your CV.

Volunteering doesn’t have to be boring or traditional, and charities will always be incredibly grateful for any help – have a look at what’s on offer in your area.

Adapt your University routine to home life

I try to wake up at the same time most days when I’m at home. Even if I have nothing on that day, it means that I feel like there is some structure to my day, and therefore I feel more productive.

If I have time, I’ll exercise in the morning so that I feel like I’m up and ready to tackle assignments or any jobs my parents have asked me to do that day. In the afternoon, I’ll take the dogs for a walk to get out of the house.

Creating a home routine can help lessen any feelings of being lost, or struggling with the change of lifestyle.

Make time for the friends you hardly see!

One of the best parts of going home for the holidays is seeing your favourite friends from home. Planning fun days out and making an effort with those friends you don’t get to spend time with during term time can be really fun, and socialising is always a good way to lift your mood.

Use a planner, diary or calendar

By putting all your plans, work shifts, days out and assignment deadlines into a planner, you can help to ease worries about losing track of time, missing shifts etc. You probably don’t have as much free time as you thought!

Staying busy and making the most of your time with family and old friends means the time will fly, and you’ll end up having more fun, being productive and appreciating being back, and before you know it, you’ll be back at Uni ready to start the process all over again!

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