Hi there! I'm Rachel, a postgrad student studying Clinical Animal Behaviour from London. I'm a big 80s music fan, and have a secret love for Marvel movies.

If you want to get more involved with helping the environment we’ve collected all the best recourses for you to look into!
Fairtrade Fortnight – Thousands of companies and groups come together across the UK to provide a voice to the people who grow our food, cotton and mine our gold – Hannah Courtney
“In the modern-day we are more connected than ever, the most efficient way to spread the word is to share on social media. Linked here is the Fairtrade Fortnight research library: https://www.fairtrade.org.uk/resources-library/current-campaigns/fairtrade-and-the-climate-crisis/ This is packed full of pre-made, factually correct resources for you to incorporate into your daily life and share to your platforms, societies and course mates!”
Bees are a massively important part of our ecosystem – Kirsty
“If you eat or use honey, consider buying from a local beekeeper instead of generic supermarket honey. By doing this you are directly helping support their beehives, as well as supporting a small, local, hardworking business. Additionally, charities such as the Bumblebee Conservation Trust and National Trust whose websites both have tons of information about just how important these amazing creatures are.”
There are on-campus and in student accommodation recycling facilities (where recycling is located outside in the bins with the orange lids) – Emily Bowes
“Here is a map highlighting specialist and general recycling on campus. If you do not live in university accommodation, check out the City of Lincoln’s easy to use guide of anything and everything you can put in your bin. Just find your items in the drop-down list, and it will tell you which bin to put them in!”
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