Part-time jobs as a student – Why you should consider one.

For a lot of people one of the biggest worries around moving away from home for the first time is finances. Having a part time job as a student can be an effective way of getting some extra money on the side to help with any bills or additional expenses, whilst also gaining soft skills and/or industry experience that can help you when you graduate. In this post I will be discussing the benefits of having a part time job alongside your study as well as pointing you in the direction of where you could find opportunities for one in Lincoln.

Get experience in your industry:

Leaving university with experience in your industry is really important in making you stand out. Not only do employers look for it, but it will also allow you to feel more comfortable going into the industry when you graduate. You may think that Lincoln is a small city but there really is a large variety of opportunities out there so make sure you have a good look. For example, if you are studying meetings and events management you could get a part time job at a local venue, giving you first hand experience of the industry. Some courses encourage summer or year long industry placements but if you want something more flexible, a part time job in your industry could be just as useful.

Develop soft skills

For some students it can be hard to get experience directly in your industry but think about all the skills that can be transferred. Soft skills, also know as transferable skills are things such as teamwork, problem solving, leadership and time management, that are universal across all industries. This means that if you can’t find a job that is directly in your industry, any job will still allow you to show an employer that you have developed skills that will be useful when you do get into your dream area. For tips on selling your soft skills in your CV and interviews check out this post by TopResume.

Think about what you could do with the money!

Do you ever feel like you aren’t living your best uni life because you don’t have the funds? Think about that takeaway or night out that a part time job could get you! As well as this, alongside university life there are lots of expenses that can sometimes be unforeseen such as transport home, replacing any broken tech or buying additional things for your uni house or studies. Having a part time job can help you cover these additional costs. Not only this but when you graduate if you have some money in a savings pot from a part time job you will be in a great place to maybe start looking for a car, or even a mortgage. You can check out my article on the benefits of saving early here.

Utilise the careers and employability team

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If you are unsure what work is available in the area that you would like to get into, then check out the amazing resources and information available from UoL’s very own careers and employability team. We are very lucky to have such a great team based on campus! They have a wide variety of resources that can help you find a part time job. When I was looking for a part time job in Lincoln I found that the careerlinc area of their website was the perfect place for me to find a wide variety of opportunities that are all close to campus!

Have you considered freelance work?

A part-time job does not necessarily mean having to work for someone else. Some industries such as the arts, computing and journalism have such a wide variety of work that you can do from home working for yourself. Whether this is commission pieces or running your own small business. Freelance work, such as writing articles or making videos for Student Life, can be a great option for students due to its massive flexibility. If you are struggling with your university workload you could reduce the number of hours doing your freelance work! Student Enterprise has a wide variety of support to help kickstart your self-employment journey. Alternatively the university careers and employability centre would be more than happy to talk to you about all opportunities including freelance work, just book an appointment online.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article and I hope that this has encouraged you to consider a part time job alongside your studies. Don’t forget there are plenty of part time job opportunities in Lincoln so make sure you find something that is right for you. Although it can be tempting to get lots of money, make sure that any job that you get still allows you to have a good uni/work balance so that you do not fall behind on your studies! Good luck with any job applications.

“Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.”

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