Diet Culture in the New Year

Dieting around New Year is one of those stereotypical resolutions that about half of your family are voicing from the second they start their Christmas Dinner. It’s a funny tradition we have, eat so much over the two week long festive period, but as soon as January hits, everyone is telling you to watch your weight and stop eating rubbish, like they didn’t get you a tub of Celebrations for Christmas. If you’re anything like me, and you do want to lose weight, but you are struggling to sift through the New Year fad diets to find a real, reasonable, practical solution, then you have come to the right place. Here is what I would recommend if you want to lose weight, but not your head in the process. 

Do it for the Right Reasons

For me, losing weight isn’t because I feel uncomfortable in my body. It is so I can be that little bit fitter, run a little faster and because exercise keeps me motivated and focused when I study. I know that if I am taking care of myself physically and mentally my results will be what I want them to be at the end of the year. I am not doing it because anyone has commented on my weight or made me feel insecure about the size of my body. I am slimming down for me, and me alone. 

Be Kind to Yourself

If your diet or gym session didn’t go as planned, perhaps you just didn’t feel up to it, then don’t let yourself feel like it’s the end of the world and give up. The tortoise won the race slow and steady, and so will you. Changes don’t happen overnight but you just need to keep trying, believing in yourself, and trust the process. Around New Year there are a lot of fad diets circulating as well, such as the fasting diet and other water-based ones. Those aren’t necessarily healthy for everyone, and eating is very important. Ignore advice to take weight loss pills and meal supplements as well. Take care of yourself, and do what YOU need to take care of YOUR body.

Be Practical

Sometimes, dieting and exercising can be impractical. My advice is, find a method that works for you. My housemate buys in bulk a multitude of slimming world ready meals from Iceland, and eats those for a week, with the odd cheat day every so often, as well as still eating snacks and sugary things, and that has already helped her lose a bit of weight. Some people’s timetables and work may interfere with the free time to go to the gym – at the end of the day, we are in university – so think of different ways to exercise instead of going to the gym. Whether it’s not taking the lift to your flat or seminar, or walking a couple laps of your garden, or playing a physical video game like Just Dance or Beatsaber, there are ways to exercise around your university work and other commitments.

Allow yourself to still eat the nice things and treat yourself.  

University is stressful enough without having to worry about dieting and eating healthy. If you are having a really bad day and you’re forcing yourself to eat that salad over a plate of chicken nuggets and chips, or a McDonald’s, then you are going to be miserable. As a foodie, the fact that I can still eat nice meals from Slimming World as a low-calorie ready meal, as well as the odd chocolate bar, I feel really good about eating when I get home. You don’t have to bin your entire collection of Christmas chocolate, you can eat this in moderation and allow yourself to enjoy your weight loss journey!  

Buddy Up 

My last piece of advice is to find a friend in the same boat. Obviously don’t force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do, but by finding a friend who wants the same thing, you can encourage each other to make healthy choices and keep an eye on each other. It is also nice to have a gym buddy.  

And there you have it! Five top tips for avoiding diet culture in the New Year. Remember to be safe and look after yourself first and foremost, and that you are beautiful no matter what. I hope you have all had a fantastic Christmas and a good start to 2022.  

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