Veganuary: My experience with veganism

What is Veganism and Veganuary?

It may seem a strange-sounding word but since its introduction, “Veganuary” has become incredibly popular and a recent trend. Veganism is the practice of eating food that is not derived from animals and typically with an intention to avoid the use of other animal products. Following this and being veggie for the month of January is definitely worth trying and that is why January, the starting of a fresh year is termed as “Veganuary” (Vegan + January) by the vegan community; no doubt Veganuary is a little step towards a large change.

Personal Experience during this month

How did it go?

First of all, I cut meat and fish from my diet. It was very easy at first but I’m sure that as time goes on, it will seem easier to avoid meat and fish. Finding non-meat substitutions was really easy. Vegan Meatballs, pies, sausages, and rolls are just a few to name. I discovered a website that shows a detailed recipe and list for vegan substitutions. It was really fun to try new, unknown vegan dishes for the first time!

Some difficulties I faced during this period were:

Although it wasn’t easy to shift from meat eating to veganism, it seemed natural and started to get a little easier. Some difficulties of the difficulties I can across were;

  1. Cutting meat and fish from usual diet
  2. Finding vegan protein elements
  3. Knowing available non-meat substitutions
  4. Familiarising with vegan recipes (not a very big deal though!)
  5. An overall reduction of dishes in your dinner table                                                                         
  6. Seeing most of the fast food items being out of reach
  7. Avoiding the temptation for meat dishes

How difficulties I overcame these:

Being vegan is itself a motivation and what we all need is a little bit of courage and determination to do this. It may seem very daunting but it isn’t in reality. Once you decide to celebrate January with a vegan diet, it only requires one to find dishes that are meat-free. These are what helped me overcome my difficulties;

  1. Whilst finding substitutions for meat, it was fun and enjoyable
  2. It’s a golden chance to make and taste new dishes
  3. A feel of being vegan gives extra fuel to go vegan
  4. Friend’s encouragement was there
  5. There are several dishes which are far more delicious than meat items
  6. Think about a world without animal farms, a world with no animal violence tolerance

Personal tips and recommendations

My top tip to go vegan during this period is to keep yourself self-motivated and that the outcome is going to be better than most of the challenging deeds you have ever done. Try not to go to fast food restaurants if possible. Stay relaxed and think about the benefits of being vegan and it will give you additional strength. I know you can do it so just go on. Good luck!!!

Personal realisation

To be honest I thought I was doing great being completely vegan for January. It gave me a feel of being free from guilt and it was something so different and pure to try. It gave me inner self-strength that boosted my physical health and mind as well.


  • It is proven that digesting plant-based foods are easier than animal meat which results in better sleep as it eases our body’s digestive system.
  • Vegan dishes sometimes contain less calories than animal-derived ones.
  • Who doesn’t wish to have a glowing, smooth, fresh skin? It’s been proven that a diet with dairy assists with this!

After all, it is proven and known by now that a plant-based diet is better for our planet as it demands less land and energy to satisfy a vegan’s appetite. So why not give it a try? Come on, take part and feel the change in you 🙂

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