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The best free resources for medical students

With the academic year approaching, you want to get off to the best start. Medical School should not cost you an arm and a leg, so here are some of the best free resources out there, tried and tested by myself, a 3rd year medical student.

1. The Teach me series

This series comprises of 5 websites:

  • Teach me anatomy
  • Teach me physiology
  • Teach me surgery
  • Teach me ObGyn
  • Teach me Paediatrics

It is an amazing study tool that explains and simplifies a lot of key concepts that you will be covering over your time here at Lincoln medical school.

2. PassMedicine

This website is great for your preclinical years, it allows you to answer exam style questions, with extensive notes on key topics. It is free for your first year of use.

3. GeekyMedics

This site is one of the best ones you can use for clinical skills. It contains videos of the different examinations that you are required to do for your OSCEs, showing you what clinical signs you’re looking for, and why. It also has other revision resources to aid with your studies such as a breakdown of how to interpret ECGs.

4. BNF

This is going to be useful when it comes to prescribing, you need to be able to know common medications and their interactions. This will tell you all the different treatments for illnesses and when to give them.

5. Medical flashnotes

This is an app store resource that is completely free of charge. It breaks down every condition into a definition, its signs and symptoms, pathophysiology, epidemiology, risk factors and so much more. This is definitely helpful when it comes to really understanding the condition you are being given for the case of the week

6. Youtube

With online lectures, it can be hard on visual learners, which is why I recommend YouTube videos to anyone that is struggling to grasp particular concepts in lectures and from textbooks.

Here are the links for some channels I would recommend:

Zero to Finals also has a free website that compliments their YouTube channel, and contains podcasts too!

7. Complete anatomy

As it says in the name, this app is all about anatomy, the university were kind enough to pay for a subscription for complete anatomy, so we can make the most of this resource.

8. The Library

With so much of my university experience being online, sometimes I like to step away from the screen and have a look in textbooks for the information I need. Books are free to borrow from the library and can be renewed over and over again.

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