Hi there! I'm Rachel, a postgrad student studying Clinical Animal Behaviour from London. I'm a big 80s music fan, and have a secret love for Marvel movies.

Results day is slowly approaching and depending on whether you’re in your first, second or third year (or maybe even postgrad) you may have a different way of viewing your results day. Either way, if you’re dreading results day or looking forward to it, it’s important to prepare for it. Here are some of my tips on how you can prepare for the build-up.
I cannot stress this enough, do not sit and countdown the days in the build-up. Spend your time celebrating that you have just completed a year at university. After the year we’ve all had, it’s important to recognise the achievement of just getting through it. Online learning hasn’t been the easiest for everyone, and I know it’s had a major effect on a lot of people’s mental health. Celebrate the time off, make the most of your friends whilst they’re still in Lincoln and just enjoy yourself now that the strain of exams and assignments is over.
Think ‘is it the end of the world?’
Consider every outcome of your grades and weigh up whether maybe getting a couple percent below what you wanted may not be the end of the world. Prepare yourself for getting your dream grade but also prepare yourself for an unexpected grade, and then if need be consider re-takes.
Social Media
Personally, I’d avoid social media on the day. Some people enjoy sharing their grades as a form of celebration, and some don’t. To avoid the pressures of comparing your grade to other people’s, I’d just stick to staying off social media and just wishing your friends all the best for the day, the day before.
You are not your grades
Remember, at the end of the day you are not your grades. Don’t take your grades as a representation of you as a whole person. There is so much that makes up you, and the determination and progress throughout the year are enough to prove that you’ve earned a celebration.
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- Anxiety
- Grades
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