A cluttered kitchen worktop showing freshly washed pots

How to be a good housemate

This is essential knowledge for anyone going to University. For many students this is the first time you will be living away from your parents. No longer will dishes magically disappear from the sides, clothes won’t disappear off the floor by themselves anymore and miraculously end up clean and folded in your drawer. These are things that you will have to do yourself, especially if you want to be a good housemate.

1. If you cook, make sure you clean!

There is nothing worse than coming into the kitchen after a long day at university, ready to cook a nice meal and seeing dirty dishes all over the side and blocking all the hobs. Therefore, it is essential that you clean up after yourself in order to maintain a clean and tidy household. Not only will your housemates be happy with it, it will make your life easier as well.

Cat cleaning in the kitchen

2. Clean up other messes in general

Whether this be in the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom, or even unfortunately the bathroom. Make sure you clean up after yourself, whatever the circumstance. If you don’t have time to clean something, message your group chat and give them a heads up.

3. If you’re going to have a house party, make sure you alert your housemates.

Picture this, you’re in your room watching Netflix in your pyjamas, and it’s midnight snack time. You head downstairs to go to the kitchen and grab some food, barely able to keep your eyes open as they adjust to the light, and suddenly you’re welcomed by 30 people looking at you in disgust as your grab your chocolate and head back up to your cave. I won’t confirm or deny that I’m recounting a personal story of mine. So, make sure you tell your housemates in order to avoid any uncomfortable interactions.

Sneaking some chocolate

4. Communicate

If you feel like someone isn’t pulling their weight in the house, don’t just judge them silently and let it become a bigger issue than it needs to be. Let them know that they aren’t doing enough to keep the house tidy and they will more than likely be apologetic and correct this.

5. Pay for things

House products can be very expensive, especially if you’re having to buy them most weeks. So, make sure you do your bit and buy some toilet roll or washing up liquid for the house every now and then. You can always create a rota to make sure everyone is spending an equal amount of money.

6. Don’t eat your housemates’ food

This should go without saying. If you haven’t bought it, don’t eat it. Nothing else to add here, just don’t eat or drink anyone else’s things.

A gif to represent that you shouldn't steal people's food.

7. Check up on your housemates

Most importantly, check if your housemates are ok. Being a student is a stressful position in the best of times. Deadlines pile up and you’re away from home for the first time, but it is especially stressful in 2020. So, make sure everyone is coping ok, this is the best way to be a good housemate.

Are you ok?

Please note: This content was created prior to Coronavirus, and some things might be different due to current laws and restrictions. Please refer to Government advice and the University of Lincoln for the latest information.

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