Old Trafford football stadium

Interesting things I have seen and done in the UK

I have been in the UK for more than 7 months now, and when I look back I see a number of memories.

This has made me realise the importance of living your life to the fullest; I wanted to share some, out of many interesting things, that I have done here.

International Fresher’s Party

This was the first social gathering that I attended in Lincoln. This party was organised by the Students’ Union. It was a nice gathering, and I got to meet other Indians, as well as people from other countries. It was an amazing night with a lot of dancing, karaoke and a few drinks.

Trip to Manchester

The first ever day trip since my arrival to the UK, was a trip to Manchester. The Students’ Union organised this trip for students, and they offered this trip at a very cheap price. Without giving it a though I, along with my friends, bought the tickets. I went to the Arts Museum in Manchester, then stopped for a bite in China Town, and my friends and I also went on a tour of the Manchester United Football Stadium. It was the best part of my trip – I am a huge football fan and standing on that football field was like a dream come true for me. I have even kept the stadium entry passes as a souvenir.

Hartsholme Country Park

I am a big nature lover and when I got to know about Hartsholme Country Park in Lincoln, it made to my “to do list”. I hired a bicycle and cycled to the country park. That park has a beautiful lake and path around that, there are benches to sit and enjoy the view. The walk through that park was very peaceful.

Diwali Dance Performance

I took part in a group dance performance for the Diwali party. We choreographed and performed various Bollywood numbers. I love dancing and it was such a special experience for me. At this performance, I met the people, who are now some of my best friends.

Trip to South Wales

I travelled to South Wales to attend my my friend’s graduation ceremony. She studied at the University of South Wales, so I decided to make a solo trip. I booked a ticket on a coach to South Wales via Leicester and Birmingham. It was the first time I was travelling alone in the UK, which is completely new to me. It was a fun experience, and I learnt a lot.

An unplanned trip to Nottingham

So I was craving for good Indian food, and I discovered that there are a lot of good Indian restaurants in Nottingham. Nottingham is very close to Lincoln, just an hours train journey away. My friend and I went to Nottingham just to have a plate of biryani. Whilst this was just a spontaneous plan, it was an experience I won’t forget.

Written by Indian student, Smriti Rawat (MSc Analytical Sciences).

Please note: This content was created prior to the Coronavirus pandemic, and some information might differ due to current laws and restrictions. Please refer to Government advice and the University of Lincoln for the latest information.

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