Two cats asleep on a blanket.

7 ways to transform student accommodation into your cosy quarters

Student accommodation is designed to be simple yet versatile. Each room begins as a blank canvas and making your room your own is one of the best ways of settling into university. Here are 7 ways to decorate your new flat to transform it into your cosy home from home:

Add a touch of colour:

If posters and fairy lights really aren’t your thing, there are still plenty of ways to beautify your room that doesn’t involve bundles of Blu-tack. Perhaps invest in some brightly coloured bedding and bath towels. You could even take this a step further and commit to a set colour scheme, such as pastels or primaries. For those who prefer a monochromatic space, prints and patterns are perfect for making a statement, whilst preserving minimalism and simplicity.

Maximise storage:

Storage boxes are incredibly useful at university. You will spend a lot of time in your room, especially when assignments are due, so it’s important to keep things organised. When your desk is covered in books and notes, it can become difficult to switch off during your free time. Sorting your work into tidy folders is a great way to keep your space as a relaxed environment. If you don’t want to go out and buy desk tidies there are plenty of cheap ways to create storage spaces from the things lying around in your flat. For example, an empty shoe box is great for bulky items such as staplers and printer ink. Cereal boxes can be used for keeping papers organised while cracker boxes are handy for stationary. Cover them in coloured paper to add a colourful and personal touch.

Switch up your lighting:

Lighting can have a significant effect on the ambience of a room. Warm and soft lights are a great way to create a comfortable and calm atmosphere. Small table lamps can be especially useful for studying in the evening as they’ll feel far less intense.

Brighten your space with some mirrors:

Mirrors are a great way to distribute natural light and can help create the illusion of space. Decking your walls with smaller mirrors or even unwanted CDs will fill your room with reflected multi-coloured patterns during the day.

Smells good, feels good:

Candles aren’t prohibited in student accommodation, but there are plenty of other ways to keep your room smelling fresh and inviting. Infusers can be used as a smoke-free alternative and scented bath petals can be scattered in your clothes drawers to help keep your clothes smelling clean, even when they’re not.

Bring things that remind you of home:

Moving out can be a pretty daunting idea, and during bouts of homesickness, it can become difficult for your new flat to feel very homely. While family photographs can help to ease this, another way to feel closer to home is by bringing little pieces of home with you. I remember insisting on bringing some of our tea towels, as well as one of my mum’s ornaments from the living room.

Free spaces will be filled, so there’s no need to rush:

One of my favourite things about moving out was the process of decorating my room with everything I had collected throughout my first year. Although it may be tempting to fill up your walls as soon as you get there with pictures of school friends, it’s important to leave space for souvenirs that you’ll gather while you’re there. This will help to keep your room up to date with the things you love and enjoy. It also allows your room to become a collage of your favourite university memories, something that can be especially comforting when you’re missing home or struggling with work.

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