Grass with a blue sky and lots of sun

Making the most of the summer holidays

The majority of us work hard from September until May so having four months off seems like bliss until you get about three weeks in and you’ve nearly watched everything there is on Netflix. However, there are so many great things you can do to make your summer more exciting. Here are my tips on making the most out of the summer holidays:

Finding work experience or an internship:

Having previous experience always looks great on your CV when it comes to applying for jobs. So why not, spend a couple of hours every week looking for work experience or an internship. You’ll have the opportunity to gain valuable skills and experience, ready for when you start back in September, and it’ll pay off by putting you ahead when you graduate. You can also spend time volunteering as this looks brilliant on your CV. Last year, I volunteered at the Sheffield Documentary Festival and I always use it as a talking point in interviews.


Try and make the most of your free time by travelling the world and experiencing as many cultures as you can. Many people work abroad for companies such as Camp America where you can teach children in a wide variety of areas. Interrailing across Europe is also very popular amongst students as it’s cheap and you get to experience as many countries as you choose.

There are so many exciting places to see and so many great programmes for students who want to travel. This June, I will be off to Peru to teach media literacy skills to children. So why see what you can find while you have plenty of free time?

Get a job:

Having a summer job will not only give you something to do but will also give you some extra money for when you go back to university in September. Even if your job is not relevant to your course, you can still gain valuable skills such as customer service and communication. As you’ll have plenty of time, sort out your CV and apply for jobs that take your fancy.

As you’ll have plenty of time, sort out your CV and apply for jobs that take your fancy. The careers and employability team are able to support you with any queries you may have regarding employability, whether you need help with your CV, interview skills or you just want to know what options you have. If you specifically need help with your CV, why not visit the Careers Clinic or attend one of their CV Advice sessions?

Making the most out of your summer holidays could improve your CV and allow you to gain skills that employers will be looking for once you graduate. You don’t want to look back at your summer and regret not travelling or getting work experience.

But, most importantly, enjoy your break from university and do what makes you happy.

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