Self-care practices to do before exams
The night before an exam is always a nerve-wracking time where I tend to second guess myself and my knowledge, even if I have put in a sufficient amount of revision hours in!
I have found that a good routine the night before always helps me relax and get a good night’s sleep for the upcoming exam.
Below are some ways I choose to relax the night before!
Movie night in with housemates
I sometimes find my concentration can be affected the night before an exam as I am nervous, therefore by choosing a familiar film this means I can drift in and out easily whilst still being able to follow along with the plotline.
Movie nights also always call for a great selection of snacks!
Depending on what I fancy influences the selection, which ranges from chocolate covered strawberries, or sweets!

At home spa day
I also enjoy relaxing with a facemask (I enjoy the Garnier ones as they are gentle on acne prone skin), lighting candles, and painting my nails.
I find this is relaxing on my own or with a friend, I also enjoy the peaceful environment as it works to alleviate stress and reduce my nerves!
I also find in the run-up towards stressful exam periods finding time to prioritise myself and my health can be difficult, however, it is something that is important to me.
Being a student, money is tight, therefore as the gym is a monthly subscription I pay for, it is important I make use of it and remember the benefits of going regularly.
If I go to the gym an evening before an exam, I find I sleep better and have more brain power to face the day ahead!

I enjoy baking lots of chocolatey treats as I find baking enjoyable but also eating what I make in the few days afterwards!
Through my hobby of baking, I am able to distract myself the evening before and also enjoy a well-deserved homemade treat once I am home from the exam.