graduates in front of a sunset

A review of 3rd year

Third year seems to have gone by so fast! It feels like just yesterday I was starting at Lincoln and getting to grips with the level of academic writing they expected (and the heavy workload!), but now I’ve finished and gained a degree.


When I started third year I thought that textbooks would definitely be my best friend, and they were! But not in the way you’d expect. For every other year I’ve bought all the textbooks I needed, however in my third year I found that my workload was a lot heavier and there were twice as many recommended textbooks, there’s no way I could have bought them all and then lugged them about campus with me. Instead I used the university’s BibliU subscription. All the textbooks I needed were available on my phone, tablet, and my laptop! No need to spend hundreds on books, and there’s even a tool to highlight text and add annotations!

The Library

Before third year I’d never really been the kind of person to do my studying in the library, that was until I realised how much work I can actually get done in there! I just immersed myself into the feeling of the library and put my head down, and I got so much more work done in just a few hours at the library than I would have in a day at home. The other fantastic thing about the library is that there’s loads of different kinds of places to study. For example, you can go to the third floor if you want peace and quiet, but if you want to study with friends and chat at the same time, you can just go to the 1st or 2nd!

The Workload

I knew it would increase, but I wasn’t expecting this much! I had a total of five modules to complete this year, and most of my assessed work was done in assignments and group presentations. Multi-tasking is something you’ll come to grasp by third year if you’ve not mastered it already, and it’s really important to be able to study different modules at the same time. Some courses do a module per semester, but a lot of courses study all the modules at the same time for the length of the year. Prepare yourself for sleepless nights when working on assignments! (luckily the library is open 24/7 during the academic year).

Oh… it’s over?

When I submitted my last assignment I expected some amazing moment of euphoria, but it just felt like every other assignment. It takes a while to sink in that that’s it, the degree I’ve worked on for so long is done. I no longer have to worry about deadlines or 9am’s.

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