Podcasts you might be interested in as a medical student

Books aren’t for everyone, sometimes it’s nice to just listen to people talk. Whilst at medical school I have listened to a few podcasts for different reasons, and so I thought it would be nice to share some of these podcasts in case you were interested. However, it is important to note that it is not a requirement to listen to podcasts, these will not hinder your process at medical school.

As a student, you are able to get Spotify at a discounted price (currently £5.99 a month), and so this is where I find many podcasts. I am aware that some of these podcasts can be accessed elsewhere for free, so where possible I will try and let you know where.

1.The Zero to finals Medical Podcast

You might recognise this name as I pointed out their website was a great free revision resource for medical students to use in a previous article. The content found on this website is in the form of podcasts on Spotify, as well as their website so that you can listen whilst revising, instead of just reading. I enjoy listening to their podcats whilst I am making notes sometimes, just because I am still absorbing the information, and I do not have to split the screen between zerostofinals.com and my work.

2. RCP Medicine Podcast

This podcast is by the Royal College of Physicians, and the primary target of these podcasts of physicians, but as a medical student you might find this to be an interesting listen, especially they discuss things such as clinical cases, specific symptoms and health inequalities which are all relevant to your learning at some point.

3. The Geeky Medics Podcast

I have briefly mentioned the geeky medics when I wrote about the best free resources for medical students, as well as having a bank of revision resources they also have a podcast series. As medical students who are unsure what they want to do in the future, it is a great chance to hear from doctors who work in different specialties. if you do not have Spotify, this series is also available on their website.

4. The Waiting Room with Dr Alex

If you’ve ever watched Love Island you may have heard of Dr Alex, or you might have heard of him through the news as he was appointed by Boris Johnson to be the government’s youth mental health ambassador. On his podcast, he invites many guest speakers from influencers to sports stars to doctors and paramedics. This podcast looks quite broadly at healthcare, looking at topics such as physical and mental health.

5. Sharp Scratch

You may have heard of the BMJ, but it’s okay if you have not, you’ll probably see that acronym an increasing amount as you work your way up in medical school, in particular during 3rd year. BMJ stands for British Medical Journal, and this podcast was set up to fill out any gaps in medical students’ wider knowledge of being a doctor, looking at all the things we aren’t necessarily talked to about or talked to much about on the course.

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