Someone wearing bright running shoes walks along a path with grass on either side

How to keep fit at university when you aren’t a “sporty person”

Maybe you’ve never been particularly interested in sports , or you’re looking for an alternative way to keeping healthy at university. Over my time at uni, I’ve found a few techniques for staying in shape as a ‘non-sporty’ person.

Keeping in good health is something I would always recommend, as it is often attributed to good mental well-being, positivity and productivity. Keeping active has, in my experience, always helped me to regard myself in a more positive light.

Doing well in lectures and seminars should be at the top of every student’s list of priorities, and having a good attitude to health is a great start in creating the mindset needed for effective learning.

Sports Societies

Joining a sport society is a great way to meet new people and keep in shape at the same time. Originally, I joined the squash society. We play regularly with multiple players and different levels of competition and often go out to different events during the course of the year, as well as socialising too.

If you are looking for a casual way to participate in sport with few serious commitments and plenty of emphasis on fun, I would really recommend joining a sport society.

Eating Well

There are plenty of ways to eat healthily every day, with little effort or cost. All you need is an open and inventive mind when you do your weekly shop!

At the start of each week, I tend to buy a load of vegetables – tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, etc, and try to add some of these to the regular meals I make. You could even try making some of your favourite meals into healthy vegetarian dishes.

Check out some of the other Student Life blogs on the site focused and designed to help students eat healthily!


Going for a jog is always a good option for burning calories, whether with friends or flatmates, or even if you go alone. Running does not involve a great deal of skill or cost and by going with friends there is always the option of stopping for a break and a chat to help make things easier. The essential equipment needed is minimal; sports clothes and trainers, which makes it a great choice for someone who is not looking for an expensive, committed or intense sport.

In my experience, timing your runs with a stopwatch, maybe on your phone or other device, can make your exercise incredibly rewarding. If you try to shave off a couple of  minutes to your regular running route every week you will start to find that you relish in the challenge of beating your personal best.

Other Examples of “Easy-to-get-into sports”

  • Yoga – for those who prefer a relaxed approach to exercise, focusing on composure, mindfulness and balance.
  • Walking – taking a trip up Steep Hill is always a sure way to get your heart pumping.
  • Fitness videos – these can be found online or in apps, giving the option of getting active without even leaving the house or spending any money, by just following the instructions given.

In Summary…

Staying in good physical and mental shape, in my opinion, is both something easy and something essential to happiness and positivity. It helps to keep me optimistic and cheerful as I go about my life at Lincoln. I hope you will find something in this post to help you maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle, but if not, there are plenty of other blogs on the Student Life page regarding well-being, health or exercise to check out!


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